
Experience the benefits of membership today!

How Do I Become a Member?

Do you come to our user group meetings? Donate? Participate in our Slack channels? Then you’re in! If you haven’t joined yet, it’s as simple as that! For those looking for more membership perks, take a look at our paid-membership options down below.

What is Slack, and How Do I Join?

Slack is an instant messaging and collaboration system similar to Discord or Microsoft Teams. You can download the program (to install on PC or Mac) on Slack’s website. You can also access Slack channels you have joined through the web browser. For more information about using Slack, visit the Slack Help Page.

When you first join Slack, you’ll see a channel called #channel-directory that will give you even more info about how-to use Slack, what channels to join, and general advice. Make sure you read and agree to our Slack policies.

In order to access the Techlahoma Slack, you need to fill out our membership form via the Become a Member button below. This ensures we get less bots and more humans!

Become A Member

Membership Benefits

A moderator and two guest speakers chatting.


$0 Annually

Join our Slack community, come to User Group meetups, and join our conferences!

OK Coders graduating class smiling with their certificates of completion.


$100 Annually

Enjoy a 10% discount at our swag store, and a 10% discount on full-price conference tickets!

A speaker event with lots of people listening attentively.


$250 Annually

Recieve exclusive swag, and a 20% discount on swag and full-price conference tickets!

(These levels may go up in price, but once you have selected a level, you are guaranteed that level for one year from date of purchase!)